Care Circle

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Private Funding

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Visiting Angels

Understanding costs when you pay privately for IN-HOME Care

How it works

Whether you pay for your support privately, partial private, we will charge on hourly basis. In the first meeting we agree on the rates we charge on weekdays, nights, weekends or on public holidays. We create the care plan according to the needs and as in some case if people have some govt funding we finalize the care plan with people and overview it. Our charges are as mentioned below.

Funding at a glance

Apart from the funding from HCP & NDIS, if you are paying a part or fully privately, here are the rates we charge from people.

Funding level

Funding level

Funding level

$68.00 per hour
$84.00 per hour
All day
$93.00 per hour
All day
$109.00 per hour
Public Holidays
All day
$142.00 per hour

Although there are different rates for different types of services, we also offer discounted rates according to people’s circumstances. Please feel free to talk about this with us.

If you are looking for a provider or if you have query about any of your support, you can contact us.

In the first meeting, we will access your needs, your available funding then we creat a care plan for you. This will include time of support, kind of support, kind of staff etc. After everything done and we get an agreement signed with the participant. We are ready to start proving services.

The care plan includes your needs. Once we analyse your needs and your available funding, we will create the care plan which meets all your needs within you funding capacity.